Chapter-15: Question on "VIRTUALIZED SYSTEMS" in RedHat Linux




Give the answers of below Questions:

1. What is a full virtualization solution built into the standard RHEL kernel? 

2. KVM hypervisor is managed by which API?

3. KVM hypervisor is managed by which utilities?

4. RHEL is typically configured as a ------- host & RHEV-hypervisor is a --------- host?

5. Which supports KVM instances across multiple Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization hypervisor (RHEV-H) systems?

a. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization ( RHEV)

b. RHEL OpenStack platform

c. Physical (legacy) systems

6. What are managed by RHEV Manager (RHEV-M)?

a. KVM migration   b. redundancy, c. high availability    d. All

7. Preparing a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to become a virtualization host requires

a. 2 GB RAM

b. 6 GB disk space for host

c. Intel VT-x enabled / AMD-V

d. One processor core

e. 2 GB RAM

f. 8 GB disk space for host

8.  To verify that the host system hardware supports the correct extensions, view 

a.  /proc/cpuinfo

b. /etc/cpuinfo

c. /etc/cpu

d. /proc/cpu

9. By seeing which word, you will understand that right extensions are available ?

a. nx b. vmx c. svm d. mx

10. By which feature, indicates in Intel - eXecut Disable

a. nx b. vmx c. svm d. mx

11. By which feature, indicates in AMD -  Enhanced Virus Protection 

a. nx b. vmx c. svm d. mx

12. "nx"  is not necessary for building a host on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but is req uired for a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization hypervisor (RH EV-H). Ture or False?

13. Building a RHEL virtualization host requires the packages at minimum

a. qemu-kvm b. qemu-img     c. libvert d. virt-manager

e. liv-virt f.  libvirt-python g. python-virtinst h. libvirt - client 

14. Anaconda is the installation program used by Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux . It is--

a. True b. False

15. Which command-line tool is an alternative to the g raphical virt-manager application?

a. virsh b. virish c. libvirt d.virt-manager e. RHEM-V

16. Which  is a graphical desktop tool allowing access to guest consoles, and is used to perform virtual machine creation, migration, configuration, and administrative tasks.

a. virsh b. virish c. libvirt d.virt-manager e. RHEM-V

17. Which  provides a central management platform for physical and virtual resources, allowing virtual machines to be started, stopped, built, and migrated between hosts

a. virsh b. virish c. libvirt d.virt-manager e. RHEM-V

18. Which manages the storage and network components of a data center and provides secure, remote graphical guest console access?

a. virsh b. virish c. libvirt d.virt-manager e. RHEM-V

19. "virsh" commands  has subcommands for additional management tasks. Which is not true ?

•connect - Connect to a local or remote KVM host using qemu:///host syntax.

  • nodeinfo - Returns basic information about the host, including CPUs and memory.

• autostart - Configures a KVM domain to start when the host boots.

• console - Connect to the virtual serial console of a host.

• create - Create a domain from an XML configuration file and start it.

• define - Create a domain from an XML configuration file, but do not start it.

• undefine - Undefine a domain. If the domain is inactive, the domain configuration is removed.

• edit - Edit the XML configuration file for a doma in, which will affect the next boot of the guest.

• reboot - Reboot the domain, as if the reboot command had been run from inside the guest.

• shutdown - Gracefully shuts down the domain, as if the shutdown command had been run from inside the guest.

• screenshot - Takes a screens hot of a current domain console and stores it in a file. 

20. If you want to see the all virtual machines, which command will be used?

21. If you want to stop forcefully which similar to unpluggin  a virtual machine named "server-1", which command will be used?

22. If you want to start a virtual machine named "server-1", which command will be used?

23. To delete the configuration for a virtual machine undefine permanently, which virsh subcommand will be used?

24. To Select managed or other existing storage requires having previously prepared a disk image, physical device, or logical volume prior to beginning this install. 

a. True b. False

25. It is recommended that Red Hat Enterprise Linux be installed using the graphical interface, known as ------

26.Installation log, displays messages stored in 

a. /tmp/anaconda.log

b. /tmp/storage.log

c. /tmp/program.log

27. Storage log, displays messages on related storage devices from kernel and system services, stored in 

a. /tmp/anaconda.log

b. /tmp/storage.log

c. /tmp/program.log

28. Program log, displays messages from other system utilities, stored in

a. /tmp/anaconda.log

b. /tmp/storage.log

c. /tmp/program.log

29. Which is not true for RedHat product?

a. Single system hardware providing KVM support : RedHat Enterprise Linux -Virtualization

b. Multiple system hardware providing virtualized redundancy : RedHat Enterprise-Virtualization

c. Multiple system hardware providing private cloud : RHEL OpenStack platform 

d. Cloud provider providing public cloud : OpenStack in public cloud

e. Management utility for standalone KVM hosts : virt-manager

f.  Management utility for multiple host virtualization platform : RHEV-M

g. Management utility for all virtualization and cloud platforms : Cloud Forms

30. Start the Virtual Machine Manager by which command?

a. virsh b. virish c. libvirt d. virt-manager e. RHEM-V


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