1.       Hard disks and storage devices are normally divided up into smaller chunks called --

a.       Partitions

b.      Drives

c.       Parts

d.      Block device


2.       Storage devices are represented by a special file type called ----

a. Partitions

b. Drives

c. Parts

d. Block device


3.       The block device is stored in the ----- directory

a.       /etc

b.      /var

c.       /dev

d.      /sbin

4.       the first SCSI, PATA/SATA, or USB hard drive detected as  ------ , the second is ---------

a.       /dev/sda  &  /dev/sdc

b.      /dev/sda  &  /dev/sdb

c.       /dev/sdb1  &  /dev/sdc2

d.      /dev/sda1  &  /dev/sda2


5.       The first primary partition on /dev/sda is --------- , the second partition is ------- , and so on

a. /dev/sda  &  /dev/sdc

b. /dev/sda  &  /dev/sdb

c. /dev/sdb1  &  /dev/sdc2

d. /dev/sda1  &  /dev/sda2


6.       brw- rw- ---. 1 root disk 253, 0 Mar 13 08 : 00 /dev/vda. Here, ‘b’ means ---

a. Partitions

b. Drives

c. Parts

d. Block device


7.       Another way of organizing disks and partitions is with logical volume management (LVM). With LVM, one or more block devices can be aggregated into a storage pool called a volume group.

a.       True                       b. False


8.       To get an overview about the file system mount points and the amount of free space available, run the ------- command

a.       df                            b. ef                       c. af                        d. du


9.       For more detailed information about the space used by a certain directory tree, which is used?

a.       df                            b. ef                       c. af                        d. du


10.   S how a disk usage report in human-readable format for the /var/log directory

a.       du   -h   /var/log

b.      du   -r   /var/log

c.       df   -h /var/log


11.   If we want to know the UUID  of a partition, which command we can use?

a.       uuid                  b. bkid                   c. blkid                     d. blockid


12.   How many ways to mount a device/partition by manually ‘mount’ command?

a.       3              b. 2                         c. 5                         d. 4


13.   To mount by mount command, we can use ----

a.       UUID of the file system

b.      Device file of the partition residing /dev

c.       PID of the file system

d.      Device file of the partition residing /etc


14.   Mount  /dev/sda1  by  device file of the partition   into  /tmp directory

Ans:      mount   /dev/sda1    /tmp


15.   Mount  /dev/sda1  by  UUID   into  /tmp directory

Ans:      mount   UUID="46f543fd - 7Bc9 - 4526 - a857 · 244811be2dBB"       /tmp


16.   The lsof command lists all open files and the process accessing them in the provided directory.

a.       True                                       b. False



17.   The mount point for the removable medium is

a.       /run/media/label

b.      /run/media/logged-user

c.       /run/media/logged-user/label

d.      /run/logged-user/label


18.   Create a hard link ‘newfile-link2.txt’ for the existing file ‘newfile.txt’

a.       ln       newfile.txt         newfile-hlink2.txt

b.      ln       newfile-hlink2.txt    newfile.txt         

c.       ln    -s   newfile.txt         newfile-hlink2.txt

d.      ln     -s  newfile-hlink2.txt    newfile.txt


19.   The --------  command creates a soft link, a l so known as a symbolic link 

a.       ln            b. ln  -l                  c. ln  -s                    d. ln  -h      


20.   A soft link can point to a directory. The soft link then acts like a directory. Changing to the soft link directory with cd works as expected.

a.       True                                       b. false


21.   Create a soft link /root/configfiles pointing to the /etc directory

Ans:   ln    -s      /etc        /root/configfiles


22.   Softlink is identified by

a.       l

b.      s

c.       b

d.      d


23.   If we want to search  all ‘message’ file by ignoring case sensitivity

Ans:   locate  -i   message


24.   Tools for finding files are

a.       locate

b.      find

c.       search

d.      view


25.   Search  files those are end .txt  from your total system

a.       find   /   ‘*.txt’

b.      find   /root  -name   ‘*.txt’

c.       find   /   -name   ‘*.txt’

d.      find   /root    -name   ‘*.txt’

26.   Search for files owned by user ‘root’ and group ‘mail’  from total system

Ans: find  /   -user root    -group    mail


27.   Search for files with a size of exactly 10 mega bytes

a.       find    -size   10M

b.      find    -size    +10M

c.       find    -size     -10M

28.   Find files with a size more than 10 mega bytes

a. find    -size   10M

b. find    -size    +10M

c. find    -size     -10M

29.   List all files with a size less than 10 mega bytes

a. find    -size   10M

b. find    -size    +10M

c. find    -size     -10M


30.   Search for all soft links on the system.

a.  find   /etc    -type  d

b. find   /   -type   l

c. find   /dev   -type  b


31.   Generate a list of all block devices in the /dev directory

a.  find   /etc    -type  d

b. find   /   -type   l

c. find   /dev   -type  b


32.   Search for all directories in the /etc folder

a.  find   /etc    -type  d

b. find   /   -type   l

c. find   /dev   -type  b


33.   Even though the locate database is updated automatically every day, make sure the database is up-to-date by manually starting an update by  “ updatedb ”  command

a.       True                                                       b. False





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