1.       Archiving and compressing files are useful when creating backups and transferring data across a network.

a.       True                               b.  False


2.       With ---- command, users can gather large sets of files into a single file (archive).

a.       gip                 b. tar                     c. gzip                    d. archive


3.       The archive can be compressed using ------ ,  ------, -----------  compression

a.       gzip

b.       bzip2

c.       xz

d.      ALL


4.       To use the tar command , one of what following actions can be required:

a.       c (create an archive)

b.      t ( list the contents of an archive)

c.       x (extract an archive)

d.      Any one of  them


5.       Commonly used options are with tar –

a.       c                  b. t                 c. x                   d. f                 e. v


6.       An archive named ‘archive.tar’ is created with the contents of file1, file2, and file3 in the user's home directory.

a.       tar    cf   archive.tar             file1  file2  file3

b.      tar    xf   archive.tar             file1  file2  file3

c.       tar    cf   ~/archive.tar         file1  file2  file3

d.      tar    vf   archive.tar             file1  file2  file3

e.       tar    cf   /archive.tar           file1  file2  file3


7.       Creating a new archive of the /etc folder and all of its content requires root privileges, because only root is a l lowed to read all of the files there. An unprivileged user could create an archive of the /etc folder, but the archive would omit files which do not include read permission for the user and it would omit directories which do not include both read and execute permission for the user.

a.       True                                       b. False


8.       List the content of the archive /root/etc.tar:

a.       tar    tf   /root/etc.tar

b.       tar    cf   /root/etc.tar

c.       tar    xf   /root/etc.tar

d.       tar    -tf   /root/etc.tar


9.       If a regular user extracts files using tar, that user owns the extracted files.

a.       True                       b. False


10.   If files are extracted by root, tar attempts to preserve the original user and group ownership of the files.

a.       True                       b. False


11.   Extract the archive    /root/etc.tar to the    /root/etcbackup directory

a.       tar     -xf      /root/etc.tar

b.       cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     -xf      /root/etc.tar

c.       mkdir  /root/etcbackup    ;  tar     -xf      /root/etc.tar

d.      mkdir  /root/etcbackup     ;   cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     -xf      /root/etc.tar


12.   To preserve the permissions of an archived file, the ---------- option is to be used when extracting an archive

a.       a                 b.  p                       c.  d                    d.  s


13.   Extract the archive /root/etc.tar   to the /root/etcbackup  directory while preserving the permissions of the extracted files:

a.       mkdir  /root/etcbackup     ;   cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     pxf      /root/etc.tar

b.       mkdir  /root/etcbackup     ;   cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     axf      /root/etc.tar

c.       mkdir  /root/etcbackup     ;   cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     sxf      /root/etc.tar

d.       mkdir  /root/etcbackup     ;   cd  /root/etcbackup  ;   tar     dxf      /root/etc.tar


14.   To create a compressed tar archive, one of the following tar options can be specified.

a.       z  for  gzip   compression

b.       j  for bzip2 compression

c.       J  for xz compression

d.      Any one of above


15.   Create  a gzip-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory

a.       tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.       tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.       tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

d.       tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

e.       tar     xjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

f.        tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc





16.   Create  a bzip2-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory

a.  tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.  tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.  tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

d.  tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

e.  tar     xjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

f.  tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc


17.   Create  a xz-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory

a.  tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.  tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.  tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz     /etc

d.  tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

e.  tar     xjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

f.  tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc


18.   Extract  a gzip-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory  into /root/gzip  folder

a.  tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.  tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.  tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

d.  mkdir /root/gzip  ;   cd   /root/gzip    ;    tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz    /etc

e.  mkdir /root/gzip  ;   cd   /root/gzip    ;    tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz    

f.  tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc


19.   Extract  a bzip2-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory into /root/bgzip  folder


a.  tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.  tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.  tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

d. mkdir /root/bzip  ;   cd   /root/bzip    ;     tar     xzf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

e.  mkdir /root/bzip  ;   cd   /root/bzip    ;     tar     xjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz     

f.  mkdir /root/bzip  ;   cd   /root/bzip    ;     tar     xjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc



21.   Extract  a xz-compressed  tar archive     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz   of the /etc directory into /root/xzip  folder

a.  tar     czf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

b.  tar     cjf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

c.  tar     cJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

d. mkdir /root/xzip  ;   cd   /root/xzip    ;      tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz      /etc

e. mkdir /root/xzip  ;   cd   /root/xzip    ;      tar     xJf     /root/etcbackup.tar.gz     


22.   Which the corresponding decompress commands are wrong?

a.       gunzip

b.       bunzip2

c.       bunzip

d.       unxz

e.       xzunzip


23.   which is used to compress files?

a.       gzip

b.       bzip2

c.       xz

d.      All


24.   which is used to decompress zip files?

a.       gunzip

b.      bunzip2

c.       unxz

d.      All


25.   The ssh command is usefu l for securely running shell commands on remote systems

a.       True                       b. False


26.   Which command utilizes the SSH server for authentication and encrypted data transfer.

a.       ssh                         b. scp                    c. cp                       d. copy      e. rsync


27.   If you want to send a file (/etc/yum.conf) securely to a remote machine’s( mushfiq user’s home directory

a.       scp     /etc/yum.conf

b.      scp     /etc/yum.conf

c.       scp     /etc/yum.conf     

d.       scp      /etc/yum.conf     


28.   if you want to copy from remote machine’s( /etc/hosts  file into your  superuser’s home directory.

a.       scp      /etc/hosts

b.      scp     /root

c.       scp    /etc/hosts         

d.       scp      /root



29.   If you want to copy whole etc directory(include all files and folders) of remote machine( into your superuser’ Desktop.

a.       scp      /root/Desktop

b.      scp    -r      /root/Desktop

c.       scp   -R      /root/Desktop

d.       scp    /root/Desktop      

e.       scp   -r    /root/Desktop      

f.        scp    -R    /root/Desktop      


30.   If an interactive tool is preferred when uploading or downloading files to a SSH server, the ------- command can be used

a.       ftp                          b. sftp        c. get               d. put


31.   To establish the sftp session with remote host(

a.       sftp

b.       sftp  -s

c.       ftp


32.   there are the ------- & -------- commands for  uploading and downloading files

a.       get & put

b.      put  &  take

c.       upload  & get

d.      put  &  get


33.   the /var/log directory gets a synchronized copy in the /tmp folder. The log directory with its content is created in the /tmp directory.

a.       rsync   -av     /var/log    /tmp

b.      rsync   -av     /tmp     /var/log    

c.       rsync   -v    /var/log    /tmp

d.      rsync   -av     /var/log/    /tmp


34.   the remote folder /var/log on serverX can be synchronized to the local directory    /tmp

a.       rsync    -av serverX:/var/log    /tmp

b.      rsync    -a serverX:/var/log    /tmp

c.       rsync    -av      /tmp    serverX:/var/log    





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