Active Directory Installation in Windows Server-2019
Theory of Active Directory Services:
** What is Active Directory Domain Services?
Active Directory Domain Services(ADDS) stores information about users,computers, and other devices on the network.Your users will be able to login at their system with the help of this domain controller.
ADDS helps administrators securely manage this information and facilities resource sharing & collaboration between users.What is Active Directory Domain Services?
** Note: Any time Primary Domain Controller can be down for various reasons, so to help ensure that users can still log on to the network in the case of server outage, you should install minimum of two Domain Controllers for a domain.
Installation video of Active Directory:
Screen Shot of installation of Active Directory in Windows Server -2019
(1) Change the Server Name
(2) Set the Static IP Address
(3) Check the Time Zone carefully
Start for the installation from 'Manage' option of your Server-Manager
What is DSRM Password?
Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) is a safe mode boot option for Windows Server domain controllers. DSRM allows an administrator to repair or recover to repair or restore an Active Directory database.
When Active Directory is installed, the install wizard prompts the administrator to choose a DSRM password. This password provides the administrator with a back door to the database in case something goes wrong later on,but it does not provide access to the domain or to any services.
In the event a DSRM password is forgotten, it can be changed by using the command-line tool NTDSUtil.
***Note:***The minimum requirement to add a Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller is a Windows Server 2008 functional level.
How to reset Restore Mode (DSRM)Password:
We will reset of DSRM password of server which name is -- Server-1
1. Open Powershell/CMD as administrator mode
2. Type---> ntdsutil.exe
ntdsutil: set dsrm password
reset DSRN Administrator Password: reset password on server Server-1
Please type password for DS Restore Mode Administrator Account:*********
Please confirm new password:********
Password has been set successfully.
Reset DSRM Administrator Password: q
ntdsutil: q
**** Note****
Ntdsutil.exe is a command-line tool for accessing and managing a Windows Active Directory (AD) database.
If you see any error here,please check your DNS IP, Password(Must be strong),Static IP. Then click re-run option.
After this, server will be restarted automatically as you selected re-start option at previous wizard. If your server is not restarted, please manually restart your server.
Now you will be see some Active Directory services from Tools menu.
After Successfully Installed, you will access Users and Computers and will be able to see and create Users also
Thanks sir :)