Samba Server Configuration in RedHat Linux


Samba Server Configuration in RedHat Linux

At Server Site(IP Address:

yum  -y  install  samba*

mkdir      /share

chmod  -R  777  /share

chcon  -R  -t  samba_share_t  /share/

semanage   fcontext   -a   -t   samba_share_t   /share/

setsebool   -P   samba_enable_home_dirs   on

useradd  smbuser1

usermod   -G   hr-dept   smbuser1

smbpasswd  -a  smbuser1

cd /etc/samba/

cp -p smb.conf smb.conf.orig         ;[We are taking backup of  main configuration file for safety]

vim   /etc/samba/smb.conf

   # To allow network to reach samba server:

workgroup = MYGROUP

interfaces = eth0

hosts allow = 127.    10.1.1.

    # To share the folder and others facts:


     path = /share

public = no

     comment = samba share for hr-dept

    writable = yes

valid users = smbuser1,@hr-dept

    browseable = yes



testparm       ;[testparm command will check smb.conf file for internal errors. After giving this command hit enter]

smbstatus     ;[To see the status of samba share]

systemctl start smb.service

systemctl start nmb.service

systemctl enable smb.service

systemctl enable nmb.service

firewall-cmd   --permanent  --add-service=samba

firewall-cmd --reload

At Client Site:

Linux Client:

yum install -y samba*

systemctl start smb.service

systemctl start nmb.service

systemctl enable smb.service

systemctl enable nmb.service

firewall-cmd   --permanent  --add-service=samba

firewall-cmd --reload

To see shared folder for smbuser1 from client mahcine:

smbclient   -L   \  -U   smbuser1          ;[Here - is the IP of Server Machine; -L = For listing shared objects.] 

To access shared folder have to need mount:

mkdir  /myshare

mount   -t   cifs   //  -o    username=smbuser1  /myshare

Now, Enter into mount point to access server's share folder and create a file.

After creating a file you will see this file at your server's folder as well. Go to server machine's /share folder. You will get a file name mushfiq.txt which you have crested at client site.

Windows Client:

Step-01:  Have to check ping connectivity first with server' ip. Here  is my Server's IP

Step-02:  Have to change default workgroup to 'MYGROUP'. After changing it, need to restart.
        for this >> open Command Prompt and write sysdm.cpl

Step-03:  Now we will try to access share folder as usual.

Note: If you unable to access share folder, you have to off selinux of your Server   by 
"setenforce 0"  command 

To delete the session with server's share folder in cmd: 
Net  Use  *  /delete                            [To delete all shared connections with others]
Net Use  \\\IPC$  /delete          [To delete all shared connections with specific IP]


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